The Effect Of Disruptive Technology On Small Businesses


There is a new form of disruptive technology in the form of text messaging services. This is one that many people are unfamiliar with or simply do not think about. However, it is changing how businesses around the world are done on a day to day basis. No longer is there the annoyance of getting a busy signal when you need to send an important message. Thanks to the introduction of cell phone based text messaging services.

Staying in touch is now as easy as can be. 

What started out as a novelty for teenagers is now being used by corporations and small businesses all over the world. In fact, some are beginning to use it as their primary form of communication. Text messaging services have been around for quite a while, but it was not until recently that major service providers began offering them to the public. This has left many people wondering just what the attraction is with this new service. After all, why would you want to use it over a more established means of communication? 

For one thing, text messaging is fast.

It is also inexpensive, especially compared to other forms of communication. This makes it a top choice among many business owners. Because of this, it is no wonder that more companies are using it to keep in contact with their customers. The real question that most people have is whether or not it will have a significant enough impact on the global marketplace to make it worthwhile?

Luckily, it seems that it will. 

One way that text message based mobile disruption can change the way that your business works is by allowing you to reach a much larger group of people than you could before. Before the introduction of this particular form of mobile communication, it seemed impossible to get your message across to hundreds or thousands of people at the same time. Now, you can send messages to as many as a thousand people within minutes. While this may seem like a clear sign of progress, you should think about what kind of impact it has on the way that your business operates. Since this form of mobile communication allows you to reach a larger audience, you may be able to do more advertising. Because this form of advertising usually doesn’t cost very much money, your company can spend more on the types of commercials that will reach a greater number of people. 

Another effect that this form of disruption

Can have on your business comes from the way that it can open up a field of opportunity for you and other small business owners. As more people become interested in mobile phones and the capabilities that they provide, more businesses will be offering these devices to consumers. As the popularity of these devices rises, more businesses will be able to tap into this new market. As a result, you will be able to provide your customers with the products and services that they need, and you will have the opportunity to take advantage of this booming market. 

All in all, disruption is always difficult for businesses.

However, if you look at the potential benefits that it provides and think about how it could impact your business, you may be willing to use this method of communication for your company. Whether you are worried about a competitor getting in before you do or you are simply unwilling to adapt an outdated form of communication, mobile phones are going to change the face of your business. If you want to stay a step ahead of the competition, you should consider what your options are today.