How Technology Affects Society


Technology is the collective set of skills, systems, practices, and procedures used in the efficient creation or realization of goods or services in a technological enterprise or in the achievement of specific objectives, for instance scientific research. The development of new goods and services usually relies on technology. It can be defined by the integration of knowledge into activities that have previously taken place. In a broader sense technology is any known method of doing things more efficiently, with the possible exception of the innate ability to do things without modifying anything else.

The process of development of a product typically involves the application of technology. Industries develop products and services in accordance with technology. As we read in, technology is now so pervasive in all aspects of our lives it is hard to envision life without it. Thus, when we talk of the impact of technological systems on society we should not forget the effects on society as a whole.

One of the major effects of technological change is the impact on scientific knowledge. Because new scientific knowledge is developed through the process of scientific research, those who produce the new knowledge are frequently replaced by technicians whose function is to apply the scientific knowledge once it has been developed. In this way, technological systems affect science in terms of the selection of empirical models and the modification of scientific knowledge as it becomes established. Technology has also significantly affected scientific research and its output, as well as the distribution and availability of scientific knowledge. Therefore, as we read in we realize that society depends largely on technology for the maintenance of its cultural and political organization as we see it.